Which class should you take?
In the schedule of classes, subject areas are listed alphabetically by abbreviation.
To see all the classes offered by the Biological Sciences department search for BIOL
(biology), BMS (bio-medical sciences), BOT (botany), and ZOOL (zoology). Hint: Don't
forget Zoology!
Click on the topic that most interests you from the choices below:
Students may take a class in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Botany, Zoology or Environmental
Studies to fulfill SBCC's GE requirement or to meet IGETC. IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) details the Lower Division
General Education requirements for the California State Universities (CSU), the University
of California (UC) campuses as well as other transfer institutions. Many students
prioritize completing prerequisite classes in their major over completing IGETC.
They plan on taking their remaining GE classes and completing IGETC at their transfer
institution. You can find out more about IGETC on these webpages.
• Which GE for me?
• 2024 - 2025 SBCC Catalog, Transfer Curricula