Board Goal I: Achieve Long-term Fiscal Sustainability Adopt budgets that are sustainable going forward, free of structural deficits, and
realistic in terms of enrollment and funding trends. 1.1 Review budgets to assure investments in strategies that support student success
and equity goals. 1.2 With the future in mind, explore effective and appropriate uses of the Mackenzie
Scott gift. 1.3 Implement and monitor the recommendations of the Budget Sustainability Workgroup,
including realistic planning and actions to meet FCMAT-recommended benchmarks, practices,
and standards.
Board Goal 2: Facilities and Sustainability Evaluate facility use and needs, and plan for campus facilities that are appropriately
sized, modern, well maintained, safe, sustainable, and flexible for current and future
needs. 2.1 Prepare for a local facilities bond measure for the College in 2024. 2.2 Monitor and review an update to the 2019 Facilities Master Plan in consideration
of shifting needs for learning and workspaces, which includes sustainability principles
and flexibility to accommodate future needs, in preparation for a facilities bond
measure. 2.3 Review evaluations of building safety, including risks related to seismic and
flood events, and monitor efforts to prioritize and address facility safety needs. 2.4 Prioritize resources to improve the maintenance and quality of existing facilities
and equipment, supporting upgrades and replacement as needed. 2.5 Prioritize resources for facilities to increase access to SEL programs throughout
the District, including Carpinteria and Goleta. 2.6 Call for and evaluate reports regarding needs and solutions for workforce and
student housing.
Board Goal 3: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Anti-Racism (DEIAA). Monitor and support values and strategies that promote equitable student success and
a culture of belonging and inclusion. 3.1 Promote policies, procedures, and practices to ensure that the physical and mental
health, safety, and belonging of SBCC students, employees and community, as appropriate,
shall be the District’s highest priority. 3.2 Review regular progress reports on SBCC student access and success, including
disaggregated data and comparisons of SBCC student outcome data with state and national
standards. 3.3 Monitor implementation of Resolution 18: Affirming our Commitment for African
American, Black, And African Descent Students, Faculty, and Staff. 3.4 Support efforts to identify and remove systemic inequities in District policies,
procedures, and practices to facilitate fundamental institutional change. 3.5 Support community demands for robust, diverse course offerings including those
for critical workforce needs. 3.6 Monitor improvements in the registration/enrollment process for both credit classes
and SEL.
Board Goal 4: Board Governance Build capacity for effective Board governance and fulfillment of the Board’s fiduciary
responsibilities. 4.1 Monitor the implementation of the new Superintendent/President Transition Plan. 4.2 Establish clear goals and expectations for the new Superintendent/President and
create a healthy Board/CEO relationship for achievement of the same. 4.3 Review and update the Board policy on participatory governance (BP 2510 Participation
in Governance and Local Decision-Making) with emphasis on the Board’s role. 4.4 Review and update the Board policy BP 2715 Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice
with emphasis on clarifying expectations and creating guidelines for Board communications
with one another, with the CEO, with employees, with the public/community. 4.5 Receive reports on and discuss lessons learned from Board members’ professional
development activities to inform Board policy development and promote overall Board
growth and development.