Faculty and Staff

Personal Development

Name Position Phone/Ext. E-mail
Bostwick, Alyson Associate Professor/Counselor (805) 965-0581 x4358 bostwick@sbcc.edu
Brown, Julie Professor (805) 965-0581 x3599 brownjul@sbcc.edu
El-Soussi, Mohammad Professor (805) 965-0581 x4312 el-soussi@sbcc.edu
Eurman, Valerie Instructor (805) 965-0581 vseurman@sbcc.edu
Frankel, Esther Professor (805) 965-0581 frankel@sbcc.edu
Gomez, Noel Instructor (805) 965-0581 gomezn@sbcc.edu
Graham, Joann Instructor/Counselor 20XDYS (805) 965-0581 x4741 graham@sbcc.edu
O'Connor, Kathy Associate Professor (805) 965-0581 x4122 oconnork@sbcc.edu
Perez, Mabel Instructor (805) 965-0581 mperez18@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Perez, Sergio Associate Prof/Counselor (805) 965-0581 x4729 perez@sbcc.edu
Phillips, Christopher AssocProf/Counselor/Director (805) 965-0581 x4134 phillipsc@sbcc.edu
Phillips, Elizabeth Instructor (805) 965-0581 epphillips@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Rivero, Carmen Associate Professor/Counselor (805) 965-0581 x3541 rivero@sbcc.edu
Stoker, Tara Instructor (805) 965-0581 testoker@pipeline.sbcc.edu
Taylor, Kimberly Associate Professor/Counselor (805) 965-0581 x3734 kgtaylor@sbcc.edu
Uribe, Linda Instructor (805) 965-0581 x3674 uribe@sbcc.edu
Villanueva, Eli Assist. Prof./Counselor 20XDYS (805) 965-0581 villanue@sbcc.edu
Warren, Angela Associate Professor/Counselor (805) 965-0581 warren@sbcc.edu

Administration and Staff

Name Position Phone/Ext. E-mail
Medel, Michael Dean (805) 730-8749 medel@sbcc.edu